miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

Week 13: Motivate students to be part of a successful project

Article: Maximizing the Benefits of Project Work in Foreign Language Classrooms, and Seven Essentials for Project-Based Learning.

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Something that call my attention for this reading is that an excellent project needs two things from students the first one is that students know the assignment is important and the other is necessary do that in the best way because in some cases as students we don’t take importance to the projects or assignments, we know that everything has a purpose in our life.

Something that I want to remember is the interaction between student-student and teacher- student if I want to get a successful project because sometimes teacher just assign projects and don’t help to students or do not clarify their doubt and this make to student to show or feel unmotivated. That’s the importance for this element of on a project-based learning, this is a key in which we can know how that project helps and how interested are for.

That means that work project   engages students to work in a project that is a challenge for them and makes them feel motivated to increase their knowledge and to have a positive attitude while they are learning English.

To sum up as teacher I need to meet my students in something that can catch their attention in order to achieve the success of a project because student’s opinion is important and they feel motivated.

1 comentario:

  1. Good evening Wendy, i agree with you these areticles show us the benefist of using projects, and something very important are the steps to follow, i think that if we follow those steps in order we will be able to perform excellent projects with our students, having fun and learing toguether. another important point is the interaccion as you mentions the interaction student-student and teacher-student, this is something preety important in the learning process.
