week 12. Techniques how to make an interactive class
article: 10 Benefits of Getting Students to Participate in Classroom
rate: 4
Something That really liked to read was about Think Pair Share technique because we allow to our students to think individually, there everyone thinks what they knows about the proposed topic.learners think silently about it for a few minutes. After thinking and bring ideas to their mind the student can share their ideas with the partner who has closer, without leaving the site they talk about it. And the last of this technique is to share in a group, there they exposed all ideas, while the teacher writes them on the board for all to see it all, and is completing, clarifying, clearing doubts or misunderstandings. definitely this is a technique that benefits teachers and students because the teacher always monitors the work that make their students and something very important that the routine changes and it is interesting also because it has more participation by students who are quiet or timid. With this technique it's not just the teacher who talks and talks but also listens and analyzes what students produce.
Finally I can say that as future teachers is in our hands making a successful class by creating our own environment where all my students have the opportunity to contribute ideas knowing that students need more opportunities to practice their skills (speaking reading listening writing) and make a class interesting as always using technology and get more successful students.
hi wendy i like your ideas when yo said creating our own enviroment that is true i know tahta some students feel nervous to particpate in class and is when the teacher make the effort to teach and make a atractive class give opportunities to learn some skill that you said: grammar , reading, listening and bemor successful.