miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016

week 6

Week 6: The use of the media to teach the four skills (writing, grammar, listening and reading).

Title: Using Original Video and Sound Effects to Teach English
The Employment of CALL  in Teaching Second/Foreign Language Speaking Skills

Rate: 5

The article talk about the traditional way that is used in the classroom like fill in the blank that is not interest for students. At the same time this article motivate a way to teach grammar skill through audio visual techniques.

Thoman (2003) argues that media literacy has an influential role in educational programs, including second language learning. Media can be integrated into language lessons in a variety of ways by developing activities based on radio programs, television shows, newspapers, and videos.
That’s means that we can use the media and develop different activities now, integrin videos make an interactive environment and it’s able to have it and allows the teacher to be more creative.

With the use of the media we can teach the four skills (vocabulary, grammar listening and writing). Well, find an excellent material to give a class is not so hard, just need to create or use a perfect resource and get excited to your students.

The other article talks about speaking skill that is cover in two aspects that are: the mechanical aspect that consist in produce sounds and make individual sounds. The meaningful aspect consist in learn to build a communicative functions applying the rules of pragmatic appropriateness speech.

A diversity of CALL materials are produced on the improvement of the fluency and accuracy of the mechanical aspect of speech, speech recognition and analysis technology. However, the major application of CALL in the mechanical dimension is in pronunciation training that has
a greatest advantage of the application of CALL that it offers a private environment for working on pronunciation without fear of the number of repetitions needed for full comprehension or accuracy of production.

 But teachers are unable to repeat a word, or phrase as often as the students would like. Other is that give safe and a good motivation and the fast feedback.

Something that I would like to read more is about the program “Conversation” that offer a variety of conversations in which I can choose a situation and record by myself.

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016

Week 5: Believe in the students and they can discover their knowledge.

Article: Critical Thinking and Technology.


The article talks about how we can help to students to be maybe the betters and how the technology is involved. First, we need to ask and answer how and why we learn? That sound interest… Two theories very simple are involved in where the first one said that we are humans very curious, which is true because not always we learn in that way but in other hand can be, because if you don’t know something, if you have doubts  is obviously that you start asking or finding the true.
The second ones is that we are rational creatures as emotional too because the capacity to learn, to understand with our attitudes and emotions, resolving different kind of problems as a humans have.
Now, the big question what we can do as teachers? Demonstrate or show some concern about them and some faith in your ability to succeed, we must awaken their curiosity reasoning directly. We need to think to analyze and critize because all of this does not come through memorization, this came from their ability or capacity.
As a teacher we cannot think that the student are computers that all the things we tell us they keep in mind they need diversity ways how to learn, not the same all the time because they feel stress, bored etc. We must help our students to feel comfortable, to believe in his ability to learn and the technology can improve better abilities and be more creative using better options leaving traditional method and using the new.

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016

Week 4: Acquire a better knowledge using the internet

article: The internet, other tool integrates into ELT to acquire 

a better knowledge.

 CALL Me … Maybe: A Framework for Integrating the Internet into ELT

Rate: 4

The article talk about the use of internet , with that, the learners have the opportunity to shares their lives, perspectives by analytics tools like Facebook and YouTube not forgetting that it can be possible for teachers and students if they have degree of access to the internet.

Nowadays the internet use is very essential because the student make resources that help and inform speech. In other point the student can use the internet as a communication technology in where they discuss contents like the importance of ICT, and develop the oral communication skill
The internet as a tool the Internet can be used for a deeper level of student engagement and interactivity by helping stimulate creativity. There, learners can get more level of proficient. It can be used as a tutor because offer some sites lesson like grammar vocabulary etc.

Now, with the unlimited access, exist different reasons like social, economic, and political factors. However, a greater number of your teacher- people around the world, as well as their students, are using the Internet, and all of them find applications than the wide array that already exists. It`s good idea because you cannot settle or resign but go beyond looking for something that is better and easy to access.

In summarize, the use of internet is important because if you don`t know something you only need to access to the internet and find different meanings and clarify your Doubts. This tool is used in different ways and it depends to each people.

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2016

Week 3: Apply the Podcast as a new tool for to teach listening skill.

Articles: Integrating CALL into the classroom: the role of podcasting in an ESL listening strategies course.
Blending technologies in ESL courses: A reflexive enquiry


The articles from week  three share interesting information about how podcast can be useful for  ESL learners  and how and can change teaching as students begin to listen not only music, adding  learning materials that they are integrated.

The article mentioned that podcast is new but, language teachers are beginning to see that is potential and useful too not only as excellent means for distributing audios in class out of class activity. With the use of podcast the students can performance their listening skill because are conversations that are presented twice and can explained and share opinions about new words or phrases.

Now, the podcast in an ESL as  listening strategies is that they allow to learners with an MP3 player choose and listen individual episodes and is actually created for many purposes in the education. Something very important is that podcast have more time in classes, there the student can practice and spend more free time working with the new learning concepts covered in class. Other point is that the learner is able to listen different types of spoken English since other spokes on the podcast that have different and heavier accents than other in where some of them are native or international speakers.

Something very important that I want to remember as a future teacher is attitude and the application that teacher gave to the student and during the podcast the teacher will discuss how they felt using a podcast and how they interact with that.